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文玩 2022-02-28 04:23:04 202 0



羊脂白玉属于和田玉白玉玉中的优质品种,羊脂白玉是带着油脂光泽的纯白,在烛光之下的光晕是柔和而微微泛黄的,如同凝脂一般, 羊脂白玉的子玉浸泡在昆仑山下荒原或绿洲的地下水土中千百万年,产量稀少价值很高。羊脂白玉晶莹洁白,细腻滋润而少瑕疵,“白如截肪”。其特点就是,特别的细腻、光亮、温润。上佳的羊脂白玉近于无瑕,好似刚刚割开的肥羊脂肪肉,而光泽正如凝炼的油脂。
















英文翻译:Suet white jade and "suet jade", as the name implies is like suet (commonly known as suet) the same jade. Modern baoyu stone scientist's explanation is: high quality Hetian jade white jade, its color is fat white (can slightly pale green, milky yellow, etc.), delicate and moist texture, grease is good, there can be a small amount of stone flowers and other impurities. Suet white jade mainly contains tremolite (95%), actinite and epidote, like condensed fat, for a class of nephrite.

Suet white jade belongs to the high quality variety of Hetian jade white jade, suet white jade is pure white with grease luster, under the candlelight halo is soft and slightly yellow, as condensate, suet white jade immersed in the kunlun mountain wasteland or oasis underground water and soil for millions of years, rare yield value is very high. White jade fat crystal white, delicate moist and few defects, "white as cut". Its characteristic is, special delicate, bright, warm run. The best white jade is almost flawless, like freshly cut sheep, and its luster is like condensed grease.

Hetian suet jade pendant

Sheep fat jade: hetian jade because mining geology is different, also cent is mountain makings, mountain flowing water makings, next door makings, seed makings, among them the value is highest when belong to seed makings. High quality hetian jade seed materials are collected from the river, it after thousands of years of river erosion, become exquisite crystal, such as condensate such as fat, just become famous Hetian jade. Hetian white jade is famous at home and abroad, and dongfangshuo, a litterateur of the Western Han Dynasty, once praised it as "the essence of white jade". Past dynasties tribute to the emperor of Xinjiang jade, more from this hetian white jade of the highest grade. Because this kind of white jade texture is delicate, pure muddy white, color such as suet, it is also known as suet jade.

Pores: Hetian jade belongs to interlacing crystalline structure, internal density is different, this uneven structure is the basic condition of pores. Seed material after thousands of years of river erosion and erosion, sand and stone collision and friction, the surface of the formation of the human skin pores like uneven pits, this hole is known as the image of seed material "pores".

These pores look very natural, ranging in size, high and low, uneven, scattered, uneven distribution, natural size transition, with a sense of vein, pore inside the pulp and other parts of the same.

No matter how the skin color of seed material is, how is the meat quality, pore is its essential feature, even if again delicate seed material, through the magnifying glass is also able to observe the surface pore. Therefore, the identification of pore has become a very important factor in the identification of seed material.

Hetian jade sprinkled gold skin avalokitesvara pendant

"Sprinkle gold skin" hetian jade seed material for the color of gold, its point or flake distribution on the surface of seed material, looks like a little gold sprinkled on the surface, so the name. Sprinkle gold skin is hetian jade seed material in the boutique, extremely rare, the market value is not cheap.

Sprinkled with gold skin under the jade quality is relatively close, delicate. The meat of seed material sees fineness first, including two aspects: 2 is the fineness of structure, namely the fineness and evenness of short cloud catkin. Generally speaking exquisite degree is tall, wen Run feeling is tall also, give a person a kind of feeling that wants to play.

See oiliness next: oiliness is the important feature of seed material, it is the feeling that sends out oil embellish from inside and outside, the burnish of view is downy, fondle the oil embellish is smooth, fondle fondly.

Then look at the powder: powder refers to moistness, oil moistness; Give a person a kind of deep and dignified feeling. Colloquially, it is like ripe fruits in autumn, heavy with inner light but not floating through.


Culture: oily and delicate texture, "color like cut fat" white, "often like fat dyed" luster, in line with the implicit aesthetic concept of Traditional Chinese culture, not publicity, not gorgeous, not dazzling, with a "pure inner beauty", attracted Chinese people for thousands of years. There is a mysterious charm in the beauty of suet jade, how many people infatuated, daughter dispersed also do not regret.

The ancient people on jade "five virtues", "nine virtues", "eleven virtues" all kinds of discussions, but also jade humanistic connotation to a sacred level.

Collection value: Since ancient times, "gold is valuable, jade is priceless". This three pieces of hetian jade seed makings is hanged, surface pore sizes and nature is the most direct method of identification of hetian jade, then look at the color is white with oily luster, some can give slightly yellow in white, whole oil foot feeling, setting such as suet, starting with a warm, with the long storage temperature, and slow temperature erosion via expert appraisal, as a rare hetian suet white jade, Hetian jade investment has been concerned, a 'crazy stone' reported that suet jade rose one thousand times, staggering, now xinjiang local also can not find suet jade, coupled with the government ban mining, the formation of ten jade nine Tibetan situation, making hetian jade prices rise.




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